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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral for pelvic physical therapy?

You can schedule your initial evaluation and start receiving physical therapy without a doctor's referral.  In Pennsylvania, direct access laws do require a referral to receive treatment beyond 30 days.  This referral may come from your doctor, midwife, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant. 

How many treatments will I need?

This can vary greatly from person to person and is impacted by many factors including severity of symptoms, length of time that symptoms have persisted, and patient's goals.  Most individuals receive an average of 8-12 visits.  

Do you accept my insurance?

DelSignore Core & Pelvic Health is an out of network physical therapy practice.  This allows for higher quality, one on one care with your physical therapist that is not limited by restrictions dictated by insurance companies.  
Payment is due at the time of service, and can be made by cash, check, credit card, or HSA card.  Services received may be covered under your out of network physical therapy benefits.  You will be provided with a detailed superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. 

Do I need to have an internal examination?

An internal pelvic floor evaluation is helpful to accurately assess the pelvic floor.  It is not essential and is rarely performed on the day of the initial evaluation.  You will be given education regarding how and why the pelvic floor muscles and structures are assessed, and you ultimately decide if you are interested in having this assessment performed.
It is also important to note that this and all assessments and treatments provided are done with great care to avoid increasing any pain or discomfort, and can be discontinued at any time. 

Can I come in for treatment if I have my period?

Absolutely.  We would most likely not perform an internal evaluation examination or treatment on that day, with a few exceptions.  The pelvic floor is one part of a bigger system that we are addressing, and treatment can absolutely be provided without having an internal component. 

Don't see your question answered here?


Reach out so that we can answer any questions you may have or get your scheduled for an evaluation.  We can't wait to hear from you!

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